Who We Are

- To produce and commercialize textile products of excellence in quality, innovation, and service, to satisfy our customer´s needs.
- To obtain profitability levels that allow the growth of the company, at the same time that we offer the opportunity of a better life to all of our employees, within a framework of social responsibility, sustainability and care for the environment.
- To be leaders in the manufacture of wool fabrics in America.
- To be at the forefront in the development of world-class products for the most demanding markets.
- To be the textile Mexican company with the greatest presence in the international market, recognized with the most demanding certifications in environmental care and social responsibility.
- Satisfy our clients with products that fulfill their specifications and previously agreed quality standards.
- Solve, innovate and anticipate the needs of our clients in fashion and performance.
- Maintain highly qualified working team.
- Provide our employees with economic stability, training and motivation, that allow them to commit with their personal, the company’s and the community´s development.
- Quality in all our products in our actions and our service.
- Respect and cordiality. A kind and warm-hearted relationship with our clients, suppliers, fellow workers and to the community.
- Responsibility in every action we take inside and outside our company.
- Honesty and trustworthiness with our clients, suppliers, fellow workers and with the community.
- Service that responds appropriately and at the right time to the necessities of our clients, maintaining a continuous and long-lasting relationship.
- Austerity to economize and get the best cost in our products, without sacrificing our social responsibility and environmental care standards.
- Loyalty with the company, our clients and suppliers.
- Enthusiasm and passion for our work so we can feel proud of our products.

Our products are well known in the national and international markets mainly in the American Continent, as well as in many countries around Europe and some Asian countries like Japan, Korea and China.
Commitment and Environmental Policy
We have acquired the commitment to operate our mills looking forward to protect and the people of communities in which we operate through the following policies:
- Preventing pollution.
- Optimizing the use of natural resources.
- Fulfill and exceed the comply with laws and regulations concerning the environment.
- Continuously improving our practices related to the environmental care.
Environmental policy
We participate in environment protection scheme in many ways, such as:
- Generating employment within clean and safe facilities, committed with the population of our region.
- We are concerned and care about our environment and have anticipated ecological laws. San Ildefonso is the first wool textile industry in our country that established a water recycling and waste water treating plant more than 50 years ago.
- At Novalan we count with a Waste Water Treatment Plant with enough capacity to treat and recycle the water used during the manufacturing processes.
The aforementioned is translated into concrete actions, such as:
- Maintaining clean and safe facilities for our personnel.
- San Ildefonso was the first wool mill within the industry having a water recycling and waste water treatment plant, more than 50 years ago.
- At Novalan, we have installed a waste water treatment plant with enough capacity to treat and recycle all the water used during the manufacturing processes.
- Recycling textile materials and acquiring certified raw materials.

Quality Policies
To produce fabrics according to the necessities and expectations of our clients, with the purpose of maintaining and increasing their satisfaction.
We do this through:
- The application of Quality Management System.
- Attending always at the procedures and specifications during the production process.
- Commitment of everyone in the organization to do their best performance.
- Having approach of continuous improvement through the organization.